Upcoming Events

Chetco Library Board Meetings:
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6 PM.
Learn about the deliberate dangers affecting our children.
405 Alder St., Brookings, OR. 97415
Contact Information:
(541) 469-7738
http://www.chetcolibrary.org |
Brookings City Council Meetings:
Every Second and Fourth Mondays of the month at 7 PM
City Hall Council Chambers, 898 Elk Drive, Brookings, OR. 97415
Contact Information:
(541) 469-1102
Meet the New Mayor and Council. Listen how your local tax dollars are being spent. |
CURRY Board of Commissioner Meetings:
Every 1st Tuesday and Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 PM
IMPORTANT UPCOMING Board Election and County Safety Reports.
94235 Moore Street, Gold Beach, OR., Court House Annex.
Contact Information:
(541) 247-3296
BOC_Office@co.curry.or.us |
Brookings-Harbor School District 17C, Board Meetings:
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM.
Learn why Oregon students are rated BELOW standards in academics.
Kalmiopsis Elementary/Room 51
650 Easy St., Brookings, OR. 97415
Contact Information:
(541) 469-7443
Brookings.k12.or.us |