Curry County Republicans
Curry County, Oregon


Bylaws of the
Curry County Republican Central Committee

(Approved September 12, 2023)


These bylaws shall become effective upon their adoption and shall be used to govern the Curry County Republican Central Committee until amended or repealed by a majority voteof Central Committee members present(In-Person, Email or Virtual).

A. Name: The name of this organization shall be the Curry County RepublicanCentral Committee (hereafter referred to as... the Central Committee).
B. Purpose: The purpose of the Central Committee:
1. To elect Republicans who promote the platform of the OregonRepublican party and the Central Committee, to public office.
2. To ensure growth of the Republican Party, through voterregistration and volunteer force, to make the Central Committee thenumber one national party in Curry County.
3. To lead, contribute and participate in the establishment of aRepublican Party organization that is an effective vehicle for settingpublic policy through its platform.
4. To plan, organize, administer, and finance the CentralCommittee's operations to accomplish the above stated purpose.


A. The Central Committee shall consist of all duly elected and appointedRepublican Precinct Committee persons. In order to provide an equitable and vetted manner in which to select members of the Central Committee, the CentralCommittee intends to participate in elections for Precinct Committeepersons asprovided in ORS 248.015 to 248.045, as amended.
B. All duly nominated registered Republican candidates for county, State or Federal officeresiding withinthe county.
C. Vacancies in the office of Precinct Committeeperson (PCP) shall be vetted and filled byappointment of the Central Committee. Candidates shall demonstrate the intentto serve by a signed, formal application and astatement ofwillingness to serve and attend in-person or virtual monthly meetings, if unable to attend notifyVice-Chair prior to meeting.
D. The Central Committee elected officers and members shall recruit, train andprovide ongoing support for the PCPs.
E. Vetting of PCPs and Duly Elected Officers. The Chair should appoint a vetting committee to assess qualifications.


A.         The term of office for all officers, delegates and alternate delegates of theCentral Committee shall be from the biennial organizational meeting until thenext regular biennial organizational meeting. PCPs shall serve from the date ofthe certification by the County Clerk of their election during the May Primary ineven years until the certification of the next election. Appointed PCPs shallserve from the date of their acceptance until the next election.


A. The regular biennial organizational meeting shall be held no earlier thanthe date of the General Election and no later than the 25th of November of evennumbered years, as prescribed by State Control Committee Bylaws; (Article XVSection D). The purpose of this meeting is the election of Central Committeeofficers and to establish Bylaws for the biennium.
1. Notice of such meeting must be included on the October meeting agenda and any bylaw amendments can be proposed.
2. Inform the ORP State CentralCommittee when CCRCC meets on a monthly basis, which is the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
3. A person appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of precinctCommitteeperson may not vote on the election of CentralCommittee officers at the organizational meeting of the newlyelected Committee but may vote to fill any vacancy in a Committeeoffice after the organizational meeting.
4. Within ten (10) business days of the county organizationalmeeting, the newly elected chair of the Central Committee shallcause notice to be provided, in writing, of the names of each county officer and the names of each delegate and alternate delegate tothe State Central Committee. A copy of all county Bylaws and rulesshall also be sent to the State Central Committee.
5. Within ten (10) business days of election, the newly electedChair shall cause a notice to be provided to the county clerk'soffice designating the newly elected county Chair as the officialauthorized to communicate with and receive notice from the CountyClerk on behalf of the Party’s affiliate within the county.
6. Within ten (10) business days of the election the newly electedChair shall cause all appropriate forms to be filed with theSecretary of State's office which will provide adequate notice to thatoffice of the change in party leadership, and which will officiallytransfer responsibility for contribution and expense reporting to thenew officers. Current form SEL 221, effective date rev 3/2020 ORS260.042.
B.         The Chair shall call Central Committee meetings at such times asappears advisable to further the objectives of the Republican Party in CurryCounty.
1. Any Curry County Republican Central Committee or ExecutiveCommittee meetings may be conducted by in-person, virtual, orconference call.
2. All “yes” or “no” responses from CCRCC members which arereceived by the Chair within 5 days of the date of the notice byemail, virtual, or conference call shall be counted in determining the outcome of thevote.
C. A petitioned meeting shall be called by the Secretary when requested by fiftyone percent (51%) of the membership.
D. No business shall be transacted at any meeting until a quorum is present.Failure to give the required ten (10) days’ notice of the meeting to all PrecinctCommitteepersons shall invalidate the business meeting. The date of themailing or email shall determine compliance with notice requirements underthese bylaws.


A quorum shall consist of at least three elected officers and those members present in-person or virtual andvoting at any duly called meeting.


A. Numbers: There shall be up to six [6] elected officers of the CentralCommittee; a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer and anyother Delegate(s) or alternate Delegate(s) the county is allocated.
B. Qualifications: Any registered Republican living in Curry County shall beeligible to hold office once vetted.
C. Elections: In the elections of Officers, only those committee persons dulyElected and qualified mayvote.
D. Term of Office: The term of office for the elected Officers of the CentralCommittee shall be from the time of their election until the next biennialorganizational meeting.
E. Recall: Any or all of the elected officers of the Central Committee may berecalled by a majority vote of the quorum present at any duly called meeting,provided that a petition signed by more than one half of the Precinct Committeepersons shall have been filed with the Secretary at least fourteen(14) daysprior to the meeting. If findings are proved false, the author of recall should be held accountable by being excused from his/her central committee position.
F. Vacancies in Office: If the office of Chair shall become vacant, the Vice-Chair shall become the Chair for the remainder of the term. If anyother office shall become vacant or remain vacant after an election meeting, itshall be the duty of the Chair to select a temporary officer to perform theduties of the office until a successor is duly elected.
G. Declaring an Office Vacant: An Office may be declared vacant by theChair if a duly elected officer moves from the county or is absent for four(4) consecutive meetings.


A. Membership: The Executive Committee shall consist of the duly electedofficers of the Central Committee. The Chair of the Central Committeeshall be the Chair of the Executive Committee.
B. Quorum: A quorum shall consist of at least three elected officers and thosemembers present in-person or virtual and voting at any duly called meeting.
C. Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee: Subject to the CentralCommittee, the Executive Committee shall carry on the business of the CentralCommittee and shall possess and may exercise all of the powers of the CentralCommittee, except those reserved specifically to the Central Committee bystatute, by these Bylaws, or by Central Committee action.


In addition to performing the duties outlined in other articles of theseBylaws, the County Chair shall:
A. Subject to the control of the Central Committee and the ExecutiveCommittee, the Chair shall have general charge of the affairs of theRepublican Party, carry out the business and appoint committees, and managethe campaigns of the Central Committee during the electionyears.
B. Call meetings prescribed by the Bylaws.
C. Supervise and direct all volunteers of the Central Committee.
D. Appoint a legal advisor who shall serve without pay, except that he/she may bereimbursed for actual expenses incurred.
E. Make a report to the Central Committee at each meeting. This report shallinclude a summary of the Chair's activities and the activity of the ExecutiveCommittee during the interval between meetings of the Central Committee.
F. Represent, along with the Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Delegates, the CentralCommittee at the State Central Committee meetings. If he/she is unable toattend a meeting of the ORP State Central Committee, elected alternate(s)from the county central committee may attend the meeting. In the absence ofall, a proxy may be seated as provided in Article V, Section A of the StateCentral Committee Bylaws.
G. Appoint standing committees that may include but not be limited to thefollowing:
1. A Candidate Assistance Committee
2. A Precinct Organization Committee
3. A Bylaws Committee
4. A Fundraising Committee
5. A Resolutions Committee
H. Appoint Standing Committees Chairs - Appoint the Chair of eachstanding committee with the advice and consent of the CCRCC ExecutiveCommittee.
I. Appoint Ad hoc Committee Chairs - Appoint ad hoc committees to serve atthe discretion of the Chair.


A. The Vice-Chair shall have such powers and perform such duties as maybe assigned from time to time by the Chair, the Central Committee and theExecutiveCommittee, such as following up with committee chairs, managing campaigns, CCRCC sponsored events.
B. Shall, along with the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Delegate, represent the CentralCommittee at the State Central Committee meetings. If he/she is unable toattend a meeting of the State Central Committee, elected alternate(s) from thecounty central committee may attend the meeting. In the absence of all, aproxy may be seated, as provided in Article V, Section A of the Stale CentralCommittee Bylaws.
C. If the Chair is temporarily unable to perform the duties of office, or if theChair resigns or for any other reason cannot perform the duties of his/heroffice, the Vice-Chair shall perform all the duties of the Chair. In theevent the office of the Chair is vacant, the Vice-Chair shall serve asChair for the remainder of the term.


A. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all meetingsof the Central Committee and the Executive Committee available as requested.
B. The Secretary shall be responsible for emailing all notices of meeting of theCentral Committee and the Executive Meeting when notified by the Chair.
C. An up-to-date listing of all Central Committee Officers and PrecinctCommitteepersons shall be maintained by the Secretary.
D. The Secretary shall obtain, immediately after the Primary Election, a listingof the newly elected Precinct Committeepersons. The Secretary will provide acopy of this list to the Chair and the State Headquarters.


A. The Treasurer shall:
1. Act as the fiscal agent of the Central Committee for the receiptand disbursement of all funds.
2. Keep a complete account of all receipts anddisbursements.
3. Make a financial report at each Central Committee meeting.
4. Maintain receipts and update ORESTAR as required by the Secretary ofState showing all receipts and disbursement and any other reportsas required by law.
5. Ensure compliance with all local, state and federal laws relatingto the financial affairs of the Central Committee.


All banking transactions shall be approvedby the Treasurer or Chair. The Treasurer and Chair shall be authorized.


The Central Committee may provide an expense allowance for the Chair,Vice-Chair and such other representatives as authorized, in advance, bythe Executive Committee, including but not limited to, specific official State and4th Congressional District committees and functions or events. Detaileddocumentation for expenses incurred, mileage traveled, and duties performed, shallbe prepared by the individual. All expense documentation shall be submitted to theCentral Committee for its inspection and approval prior to being paid by theTreasurer.


The right to endorse or not to endorse vetted Republicancandidates and the right to endorse orrecommend passage or defeat of any measure or bill shall be in accordancewith ORP By-laws as follows:
Article XXV. Endorsement of Candidates and Measures
Section A. Endorsement Limitations
After due consideration, the ORP State Central Committee, the ExecutiveCommittee or a Candidate’s Assistance Committee may recruit and financiallyassist legally qualified candidates in the Primary Election, after dulyconsulting with the Executive Committee of Curry County,provided that in any contested primary, including, but not limited to, legislativeraces.
Nothing in the Article shall be construed so as to interfere with the right of anyindividual acting on his own behalf to approve or disapprove any candidate ormeasure or to contribute to the campaign fund of any candidate or measure.


The rules contained in Roberts' Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the CentralCommittee in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistentwith these Bylaws or with special rules of procedure that may be adopted by the CentralCommittee from time to time.


A. These Bylaws shall be deemed automatically and immediately amended toconform to any statute now in force or hereinafter to be enacted with whichthese Bylaws shall be inconsistent.
B. At any meeting of the Central Committee, these Bylaws maybe amended, altered or repealed by a majority vote of the quorum present in-person or virtual, provided that notice ofthe proposed amendment(s) has been emailed with the official notice of themeeting.


A. To ensure fairness, the CCRCC will invite and encourage all Republicancandidates to participate in all activities and efforts to reach our main goal, asstated in our By- Laws,
Article I.
B. Any perceived violation of this policy may be reported in writing to theCCRCC Secretary, or any member of the Committee's Executive Board, who isnot running for office.An ad hoc committee will be appointed to investigate the report and will providea proposed resolution of the complaint. Final action on the complaint will betaken by the CCRCC at a general meeting.

See below for contact information:
Curry County Republican Central Committee
PO Box 881
Brookings, OR 97415

As amended 12 September 2023